Image source: Wikimedia (Zombieland, Warm Bodies, World War Z)
I cannot fully understand the fascination so many people have with zombies. Ambulant rotting dead that are out to get the living – filth, putrefaction, stink. Yuck! Maybe the appeal is in the unrestricted regret-free violence (fantasy), or maybe in the fact the zombie role is fairly easy to play. See, I told you I don’t understand :-). Vampires, yes, those I do get – not the type born in Stephenie Meyer’s imagination, though. But I digress, and I’m not a fan of vampires either.
When I was invited to watch “Zombieland” and “Warm Bodies“, I gave them a chance despite my disinterest in zombies, and the lack of expectations worked in my advantage. I ended up enjoying both movies. On the other hand, things were different with “World War Z“, the unintentionally funny zombie movie. I actually insisted on seeing it, just so that I could write this post… a few weeks ago 😀
It may already be obvious which movies I liked, and that I will actually enjoy “criticizing” “World War Z”, but my reasons are yet to be presented. So, read on 🙂
(details about “Zombieland” at Wikipedia and IMDb)
By far my favorite of these three. It’s entertaining, it caught my attention within the first minutes, and it features Emma Stone. Jessie Eisenberg and Woody Harrelson do a great job, too. It’s a funny movie, and I liked that it delivers what it seems to promise: zombies, zombie killing, silliness, humor. No one in this movie wants to save the world or “cure” the zombies. Actually, the zombies are either a nuisance that stitches the story further, or a base for funny scenes. This is the zombie apocalypse for your entertainment.
Warm Bodies
(details about “Warm Bodies” at Wikipedia and IMDb)
In a way, the zombies in this story are the equivalent of the Edward “Sparkles-in-the-sun” Cullen vampire. Zombies have hearts that can be reignited. All they need is love, because they’re human after all. Wait. What?! They also need music, hehe! It is funny occasionally, and I did not regret watching it. This is the young-adult zombie apocalypse, in which the pretty girl and the zombie with a rich inner life inspire the conciliation and cooperation between humans and former humans (soon to become human again). It’s not as complicated as it sounds 😀
World War Z
(details about “World War Z” at Wikipedia and IMDb)
I have no idea why this movie has such good ratings. It’s ridiculous. There’s only one smart line throughout the whole movie: “Every human being we save is one less zombie to fight.” I expected it to be creepy and disturbing, but it never gets creepier than the trailer. In fact, you can have lots of fun during the movie, superposing your own comedy on top of it. It tries to be emotional, but, to me, it fails. It tries to be creepy, but it gets tired and predictable quite soon. It tries to seem realistic, but I could only see an action movie with Brad Pitt. It’s not entirely bad, but it’s too much of a crowd-pleaser. My main conclusion after watching this movie was that Brad Pitt is trouble. Whenever he shows up, zombies start pouring in. So, if a zombie apocalypse ever happens, Brad Pitt may indeed save the world… by attracting the zombies. More about “World War Z” in this honest trailer: