Image source: Wikimedia
Year of release: 2012
Director: Benh Zeitlin
Writers: Lucy Alibar (screenplay & stage play), Benh Zeitlin (screenplay)
Starring: Quvenzhané Wallis, Dwight Henry, etc.For more information on “Beasts of the Southern Wild”, visit Wikipedia and/or IMDb
General impression:
Unusual story, unusual film, and I took from it what suited me and my personal tastes. One of those things was the raw poetry that permeates the movie. Another is its divisive originality. I also resonate with stories about children, and the main character in the movie is a tough little human, the wild-haired Hushpuppy, who lives with her father in an unusual community outside the borders of civilized society. I love children, and, if I could, I would gather all those who suffer and take care of them. This little girl, Hushpuppy, is suffering, but there’s no room in her life to acknowledge her suffering, or even her childhood, as a matter of fact. With no mom around, and not much of a dad either, it’s easy to see how she’s become so tough. There is truth under this particular idea of survival and freedom, but I’d still take the kid home.
Quvenzhané Wallis – I wrote about how much I liked her in my post about the 2013 Oscars.
It’s weird, but this downside is actually a quality – no matter how strange you may find the film as a whole, it still has some part you can appreciate.
Would I see it again? – Yes
My Rating (1 to 10): 9
Recommended: Yes
Slightly loosen up your mind before watching “Beasts of the Southern Wild” 🙂