Image source: Wikimedia
Year of release: 2012
Director: David Cronenberg
Writers: David Cronenberg (screenplay), Don DeLillo (novel)
Starring: Robert Pattinson, Sarah Gadon, Paul Giamatti, Juliette Binoche, Samantha Morton, etc.For more information on “Cosmopolis”, visit Wikipedia and/or IMDb
General impression:
The trailer raised my expectations and excitement. Then, I started watching the movie, and expectations and excitement disappeared in hollowness. I understand that this movie addresses my intellect, but it does not have enough soul to make my mind care to listen. In fact, it does not have soul at all, and the characters are unbelievably lifeless. Basically, this whole movie is a long drive, with some potentially deep dialogue that no character seems to understand or even care about. It didn’t enrich my life, not even my afternoon. It annoyed and bored me. It didn’t entertain me, and I found nothing enjoyable apart from an overall sense of balance and visual effectiveness. I suspect the book is better.
Good cast, good visuals, Robert “Edward Cullen” Pattinson not playing a vampire.
It’s disappointingly flat.
Would I see it again? – No. I barely made it through to the end.
My Rating (1 to 10): 6
Recommended: No
Read the book instead.