Image source: Wikimedia
Year of release: 2006
Director: Marc Forster
Writer: Zach Helm
Starring: Will Ferrell, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Dustin Hoffman, Queen Latifah, Emma Thompson, etc.For more information on “Stranger than Fiction”, visit Wikipedia and/or IMDb
General impression:
A delectable quirky movie with just enough sugar and spice to make it complete. The premise is risky: Will Ferrell as a fictional real IRS man who falls in love. But it’s simpler than it seems 🙂 and Ferrell proves he’s a good actor in general, not only a comedian. In a way, this movie is like a fairy tale for grown-ups. It is narrated as if it was a book, and in a way it really is. For this reason, but also because it is witty, bookish people could appreciate this film more than the average movie enthusiast.
Nice plot, good acting, flow.
Throughout the film, there a constancy in rhythm that may prevent a stronger emotional response in the viewer.
Would I see it again? – Haha! I’ve already seen it several times, and will probably see it again soon 😀
My Rating (1 to 10): 9
Recommended: Yes!
If you happen to write, get inspired by this movie and try this exercise: imagine that your main character is alive somewhere and you can dictate the course of his/her life in detail. Interesting and fun, isn’t it?