Image source: IMDb
Put your mind on standby, just enjoy Gal Gadot and the action.
Information about the movie, at the bottom of the post
General impression:
I rarely talk during movies, but this one made it hard for me to shut up. For a while. Then I got bored and started paying more attention to my phone. It’s not that “Wonder Woman” is a terrible movie, but, for me to like a superhero movie, it has to be special. I loved Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight”, for example. Growing up, I liked comics and cartoon series based on comics, and maybe that is why, as an adult, I think that all the silliness and scrambled mythology in these stories should be carefully adapted for the big screen. You either emphasize the cartoonish aspects of the story and characters, or you blend them into reality as seamlessly as possible. I know that it’s fiction and that such movies get primarily made for financial gain, but neither of these facts means these productions wouldn’t benefit from a plus of value and better storylines. Back to “Wonder Woman”, I wanted to like the movie as much as I liked Gal Gadot. She was a great Wonder Woman. If I were a little girl, I would run around the house wearing mother’s bangles, wrapping people in rope, asking where I can find Ares. As the potential mother of a little girl, I’m somewhat worried that, after seeing this movie, my kid might have difficulty learning about WWI or Greek and Roman mythology. Not that mythology is important. Accuracy is. Final thought: the charm of comics is that they are comics.
Gal Gadot… and the rest of the cast π There are some funny and cute moments, too – the ice cream scene is so sweet! π¦ There’s also a nice little revealing twist.
Just another unsurprising superhero movie.
Would I see it again? – No
My Rating (1 to 10): 6
Recommended: Only to see what the hype was about, or if you’re a fan of superhero movies.
Keep your expectations low. Who knows, this way they might be exceeded.
Information about Wonder Woman
Year of release: 2017
Director: Patty Jenkins
Writers: Allan Heinberg (screenplay & story), Zack Snyder, Jason Fuchs (story), William Moulton Marston (creator of Wonder Woman)
Starring: Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Danny Huston, David Thewlis, etc.
For more information on “Wonder Woman”, visit Wikipedia and/or IMDb