Image source: Wikimedia
Year of release: 2013
Director: Aram Rappaport
Writers: Max Barry (novel & screenplay), Aram Rappaport (screenplay)
Starring: Amber Heard, Shiloh Fernandez, etc.For more information on “Syrup”, visit Wikipedia and/or IMDb
General impression:
This movie is very much like an inside joke – there are those who get it, those who don’t, and the ones who get it but dislike the approach. As someone who once considered a career in marketing/advertising but eventually said “meh”, I did enjoy it. Plus, it’s visually pleasing, the acting is good, dialogue is witty, and the main idea great. The problem with this movie is the fact that it shows some truth people don’t stomach well. No one likes to think that they’re not in total control of their tastes, product choices and purchases, but the truth is manipulation is not very difficult if you have all the right means at hand. Facing this game of disguise and speculation of weakness, the average consumer might feel disrespected and offended. However, the movie presents nicely the contrast between consistency and image. It made me interested in reading the book.
It’s revealing 🙂
It’s clearly made without special consideration for what the audience might understand. In a way it’s a good idea, but I think it hurt the profits very much.
Would I see it again? – Yes, I really would.
My Rating (1 to 10): 8
Recommended: Yes, even if you won’t like it.
Don’t trust commercials, read the ingredient list, learn what those ingredients are… and so on 🙂
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